graduation graphic

Letters From Leton: Plastics!

In the classic movie, The Graduate, Benjamin Braddock (Dustin Hoffman) plays a recent college graduate who is struggling to find his calling for his career. This week, you will likely have family or friends who will become graduates themselves and I suspect many of them will face the same challenge as Benjamin. During the spring,… Read more »

Leton's Letters - Do Unto Others graphic

Letters From Leton: Do Unto Others

The crossword clue asked about a theme for this time of year. After a few seconds and having determined the first letter was “U”,  I filled in the word “Unto” (for – “do unto others as you would have them do unto you”). It worked! Unto – A rather simple word and not a word… Read more »

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Letters From Leton: March Madness!

March is a crazy month in the mountains. On one hand, you can have 70-degree days with flowers and trees in bloom. On the other hand, you can have massive snowstorms – the March 1993 storm left 36 inches on the ground! It is also the month for the NCAA Basketball Tournament known and promoted… Read more »

graphic for Leton's Letters - 276 for 130

Letters From Leton: 276 for 130

Numbers can tell many things. For example, what exactly does 276 for 130 mean anyway? Is it $276.00 for 130 somethings? Or 276 for $130.00? Last Friday we had our Annual Read Virginia day at Wise Primary. At the end of the event, several of our folks stayed behind to hand out books, pencils, coloring… Read more »

IRS Provides New Benefit Plan Limits for 2023

The IRS recently announced benefit plan limit changes for 2023. Many employee benefits are subject to annual dollar limits which are adjusted for inflation each year. However, due to decades-high inflation, many limits were increased more than usual for 2023. Common plans affected are health savings accounts (HSAs), high deductible health plans (HDHPs), and 401(k)… Read more »