Jonesville, Virginia — BauerFinancial, Inc. has recognized Powell Valley National Bank (PVB) as a 5-Star Rated Institution for the last 47 consecutive quarters. To earn this superior rating, BauerFinancial, Inc. collects financial reports filed by each bank in the U.S. to its federal regulators, and the data contained is subjected to a comprehensive analysis. A star-rating is assigned upon completion of the review, with five stars being the highest rating.
Founded in 1888 Powell Valley National Bank has earned BauerFinancial Inc.’s superior 5-Star Rating for every quarter since year end 2007, totaling 47 consecutive quarters thus far.
PVB maintained its superior rating through the Great Recession of 2007-2009. Sustaining the 5-Star rating throughout a crisis like the Great Recession was no new obstacle for PVB.
Over the last 131 years, PVB has prospered through 29 economic recessions, including the Great Depression and Great Recession, and continues to have one of the strongest capital ratios of all banks in the United States today.
“We are extremely pleased to be recognized as a BauerFinancial™ 5-Star Rated Institution and even more honored to be recognized for earning this exceptional rating for every quarter since year end 2007,” said Leton Harding, President, Chairman, and CEO of PVB.
Harding continued, “It is no surprise that our Bank has been able to earn this excellent rating consecutively for the last 12 years. We have one of the highest capital ratios for banks of any size in the United States, which demonstrates our ability and capability to serve the future financial needs of our region through economic cycles. This strength, coupled with our quality staff and management, has led to this wonderful and continuing recognition.”