Letters From Leton: Two Lumps of Coal for Christmas

Over the weekend, my niece sent me some pictures of her daughters dropping off their letters to Santa at our Wise Office. They were so excited, and I have gotten many, many positive comments about this “new” family tradition at Christmas (bringing Christmas Letters to PVB) we have started. (Thanks to Paula, Gary and the Gang at Big Stone Gap for coming up with this splendid idea.)

In Wise, Sharon Jones is handling our letters. She is also creating a scrapbook of the letters.

We have had funny letters. Serious letters (“darn right I have been good Santa!”). Touching letters (the eight letters from the special needs class in Coeburn).

As I was discussing the Santa Box this weekend with my daughter, she shared that she had read that parents were being advised not to say that big, expensive presents came from Santa. The reason – why would Santa bring some kids very nice things and other children not much? Better for parents to take credit for the expensive presents so all kids would not feel bad about Santa.

This is a strange thought to me, and I’m not sure how I feel about it – but it does remind me of the hardships many face during the holidays and how blessed we are at PVB. And that we should think about how we share the blessing – either through a group action as our Kingsport Office did with its gift last week – or one on one by acts of kindness to those in need. 

So in the coming days open your mind and your heart. Look around. What small thing can you do to make this season brighter?

For some, the symbol of getting coal in your stocking may seem like a punishment. For a family without heat, a blessing.

Stay safe.

– Leton

“Letters From Leton” is a blog series comprised of the weekly updates that Leton Harding – President, Chairman, and CEO of Powell Valley National Bank, shares with the Bank’s team members. These newsletters are full of uplifting anecdotes and intriguing insights that are applicable beyond the Bank, so we want to share them with you.