On my way home from a College Board meeting one Thursday evening, I spotted him. On my left. The young fellow (10ish) on his bike in the lot of the local VDOT office.
He popped a “wheelie” on his bike and rode across the entire lot. He looked at me, and I gave him a thumbs up and mouthed “Atta Boy!”.
This unnamed fella and I have been developing a relationship since the spring when he got his new bike.
Many evenings on my way home, I have spotted him attempting to leap over a crack in the sidewalk, pop a wheelie or attempt other tricks. I give him the thumbs up sign and smile.
Fortuitously, I had passed by at just the right moment to share in one of his major achievements after all of his hard work. A witness to his continuing efforts and the results. Someone who would share his memory of success for a lifetime.
One doesn’t have to be young or male to achieve.
At the same time as I was passing the young lad on the bike, I was listening to a story on the BBC about Ida Pfeiffer, an Austrian woman born in 1797.
I encourage you to Google her story… but the short version is that she loved to travel, and after the passing of an overbearing mother, a much older husband and raising 2 sons, she began her travels. Mostly alone, around the world to some of the most isolated places of her time, facing and overcoming challenges which she wrote about in 3 books. Just amazing.
What makes a young boy or an older woman seek challenges?
What makes others afraid of seeking those challenges? Or put another way, limiting the vision of their life?
I am not suggesting that you drop everything and travel around the world or become a bike Dare Devil.
However, maybe now is a good time to ask yourself, “why am I afraid of this or that?” Or, “what is it I enjoy?” and seek that out.
Maybe one day someone will drive by you and give you a thumbs up and an “Atta Boy!” (or Girl!), and your fears will becomes your victories!
Stay safe… the virus is rearing its ugly head again.
– Leton
“Letters From Leton” is a blog series comprised of the weekly updates that Leton Harding – President, Chairman, and CEO of Powell Valley National Bank, shares with the Bank’s team members. These newsletters are full of uplifting anecdotes and intriguing insights that are applicable beyond the Bank, so we want to share them with you.