Month: July 2020

Pandemic Fraud Scams Advisory

A recent advisory from the Financial Crimes Enforcement Network (FinCEN) details pandemic-related impostor schemes and money mule scams targeting American consumers. Summarized by PCBB, below are some red flags to be aware of: Contact from an alleged government representative to verify, process, or expedite an individual’s economic impact payment. Receipt of what seems to be a… Read more »

Understanding Your Credit Score

Your credit score is an important component of your financial health. Your credit score (also called a FICO score) is a number calculated based on your credit history. Lenders use your credit score to evaluate your creditworthiness. In other words, lenders use your credit score to determine the probability that you will repay your loan… Read more »

Letters From Leton: Those Aha Moments!

We have all had those moments. You know those “aha moments” when the clouds part and we understand. Maybe one of your aha moments was in school as a teacher was explaining an algebra word problem. Perhaps it was when you were watching that mystery movie and the detective explains who did it (a great new… Read more »

Letters From Leton: Grape Nehi!

Long summer nights sitting on the porch gives one time to think and reminisce. As the lightening bugs emerge for their nightly dance, the mind returns to a time of tag, hide and seek, croquet with family and friends and the second most important Holiday to a kid (sorry Easter and Thanksgiving, even Halloween), Fourth of… Read more »