This week I’d like to share a story from Jim Swartz, Vice President and Loan Review Officer:
“Last month I donated blood with Marsh at the Virginia Tech 4/16 blood drive. The Marsh folks reminded me of us. Very friendly, jovial, and got the job done. I had never donated with them before. I’d donated via Johnston Memorial Hospital and Blood Assurance, but today was a first time for me with Marsh Blood.
I mentioned to the nurse as she was checking my vitals before the donation that I was reaching the 10 gallon mark in total donations. We talked a bit about my history with the hospital and then the other blood bank. As I’m sitting on the donation cot, here she comes with a 10-gallon lapel pin! I’d given up on ever getting one…. Sometimes it’s the little things that make you remember something.”
– Jim Swartz
“Letters From Leton” is a blog series comprised of the weekly updates that Leton Harding – President, Chairman, and CEO of Powell Valley National Bank, shares with the Bank’s team members. These newsletters are full of uplifting anecdotes and intriguing insights that are applicable beyond the Bank, so we want to share them with you.